Schlagwort: Klimaschutz

CLAUDIA, MATO GROSSO STATE, BRAZIL: AUGUST 2020:Members of the rural settlement 12 de Outubro in the city of Cláudia in the state of Mato Grosso try to put out the fire from an illegal burning in an Environmental Reserve area in the Amazon rainforest. Fire season in the Amazon biome during an expedition by the Rainforest Foundation to monitor the relationship between soy production in Brazil and its relationship with the deforestation of the Cerrado and Amazonia biomes. CREDIT: Victor Moriyama for Rainforest Foundation

Ganz offen, mich ekelt dieses Verhalten an.

Klimaschutz, jeder der heute etwas von sich hält ist für den Klimaschutz. Besonders dann, wenn Wahlen vor der Tür stehen. Wenn man sich so die […]
